Zásilkovna pick-up and drop-off points

Pick up parcels 
when and where it suits you

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Closer than you would expect

4,800 retail store pick-up points of Zásilkovna

They are on every corner. There are thousands of them. And they are here for you every day. The nearest Zásilkovna pick-up point is just 8 minutes away from your address. Check our map of pick-up and drop-off points to find your branch.

Next day parcel delivery

We deliver 98% of parcels to pick-up points in the Czech Republic already on the second working day from parcel submitting to our system by online shop or sender.

Parcel pickup without queues

Forget about filing tickets, queues or serial numbers - everything can be done in just 60 seconds. You can also give the password to another person to pick up your parcel for you.

Regular status notifications

When the parcel reaches our depot, you will receive a notification. And as soon as the parcel is ready for pickup, we will send you a notification, e-mail and SMS message.

Find the nearest pick-up point

You can find a branch near your office or in a short distance from your home address using our map. Thanks to the filters, you can choose a pick-up point that meets your requirements.

Next day parcel delivery

We deliver 98% of parcels to pick-up points in the Czech Republic already on the second working day from parcel submitting to our system by online shop or sender.

Parcel pickup without queues

Forget about filing tickets, queues or serial numbers - everything can be done in just 60 seconds. You can also give the password to another person to pick up your parcel for you.

Regular status notifications

When the parcel reaches our depot, you will receive a notification. And as soon as the parcel is ready for pickup, we will send you a notification, e-mail and SMS message.

Find the nearest pick-up point

You can find a branch near your office or in a short distance from your home address using our map. Thanks to the filters, you can choose a pick-up point that meets your requirements.

How do the pick-up points work?

Choose delivery to the pick-up point

Select Zásilkovna in the cart

When making a purchase in the online shop, choose delivery to the pick-up point of Zásilkovna. You can find an overview here.

Track your parcel online

You can track the parcel route online or directly in the mobile application. And as soon as the parcel is ready, we will send you a notification, e-mail and SMS message.

Simple pickup with password

At the pick-up point, you only need to report the password to the branch stuff. You can find the password in SMS, e-mail or in the Zásilkovna mobile application.

Pick it up where it suits you

If the parcel sender is a natural person, send him the name of the pick-up point where you want to pick-up your parcel.

Přehled výdejních míst

Did you know that...


Your establishment is located in a municipality or city with a minimum population of 1,000.


Every fourth online shops customer uses pick-up points


You can pay cash on delivery for the parcel not only upon the pickup , but also in advance in our mobile application


35,000 Czech online shops deliver to our pick-up points


Picking up the parcel is really easy - just report the password


Most of pick-up points also serve as drop-off points

Stories from branches

Why to become a pick-up point and what benefits will cooperation with Zásilkovna bring to you? Check the stories of our pick-up points and see for yourself that you can find them in a really diverse range of establishments.

You could be interested in

Where is my parcel?

You can follow the route of your parcel from the moment the online shop hands it over to us online or directly in the mobile application.

Parcel storage period extension

Don’t have time to pick up the parcel? No problem. You can easily extend the storage period directly in the mobile application.

Záilkovna mobile application

You can send, receive or share parcels through our app. It also offers the possibility parcel tracking, cash on delivery payment and much more.

Send parcels with Zásilkovna

Send parcels in a few clicks, simply via our mobile app. You can find our drop-off points on every corner.

What can the pick-up points search engine do?

By using pick-up points, you support local entrepreneurs who you may already know personally. It makes us and you happy.

Package dimensions

Are you sending a parcel? Take a look at useful information on proper packaging, dimensions and weight limits.

Výdejní místa

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Výdejní místa Zásilkovny

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Jak funguje vyhledávač výdejních míst Zásilkovny

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