We Will Do Advertising for You
Worth Tens of Thousands!

Be more visible thanks to Stories from Pick-up Points! Our video series introduces individual pick-up points and provides free online advertising.

Why become the hero of Stories and invite a camera into your establishment?

Free advertising
We will provide paid online advertising targeting your region. You won’t have to pay anything at all!
New customers!
Thousands of people will get to know about your establishment! The video will be posted on social media and our website.
A tour of your establishment.
Potential customers will be able to take a look inside your establishment and discover your range of products.
Content for sharing
The video can also be posted on your website and shared via social media; therefore, you can attract customers with great content!
Competitive advantage
Gain competitive advantage and at the same time, you can experience professional filming.

Do you want your own story? Contact us!

*mandatory data. We will use this personal data to process your question and answer it. More information on the processing of personal data in Zasilkovna can be found here.

Shooting experience

“The filming was cool, everything was done very quickly. Thanks to the video, it is easier for customers to find their way to our shop. Thank you for this opportunity.”

Pick-up point Epes Rádes, design studio, Bašť

A něco navíc

Ve druhé sérii Příběhů ukazujeme divákům, jak se co dělá. Tato videa se objeví i na našem YouTube kanále. A když pak bude někdo hledat na Googlu postupy a návody k nejrůznějším činnostem, třeba se mu mezi výsledky vyhledávání objeví právě video s vaší provozovnou!

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